Thursday, July 29, 2010

Power Point vs Prezi

My students decided that Prezi was so good they taught me how to use it ....seriously.

So now having learned how to 'harness' the potential of Prezi I think it is something a lot of educators should be learning how to use this summer. Once you use it, as my students told me, you will see the difference between the two tools.

This "PowerPoint to Prezi" presentation will walk you through it.

But then, again, it's also "how" you use the tool. Create your Prezi presentation to question and make your students actively think during the 'lecture' period; stop and let them 'do'. Go back to your Prezi presentation for a summary to pull your students back together and wrap up the 'lecture'. You can capture their imagination with photos or videos to extend their learning as they leave the classroom....

Of course, Prezi does seem to lend itself as a constructivist tool, just in the way it forces you, the teacher, to you design your presentation. It forces you to think logically through your 'lecture' or briefing period and have all your resources in one place. By using a tool such as Prezi, you become a better teacher because of your own thinking and reflection.

Its not about the technology, its about you becoming a better teacher !

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