Saturday, June 02, 2012

D: All Things Digital Presentation

This week at the D: All Things Digital Conference Mary Meeker presented her ideas of how the world is being 'disrupted'  by technology in her speech about "The State of the Web."  Her ideas are evidence that times are definitely changing in how we do things differently today in education, business, and entertainment.

According to Ms Meeker the re-imagination of education has brought the world to the brink of educational change where students will learn by doing. I say "the brink" because we are on the brink- the edge - of getting close to make the change, but we are not there yet, world-wide, or in the US for that matter. Still many teachers need to be trained in best practices to make this change but due to lack of money for education they aren't.  So teachers often revert back to 'how they were taught' in order to teach their students through lecturing and students listening. Ms Meeker proclaims "Education and learning will become just as much fun as video games. And we will call it "full body" learning." She said "will." We're not there yet, but hopefully we "will" get there. Soon I hope.

In her presentation Ms Meeker documents, remarkable well, how technology and 're-imagination' have changed the way we do things, thereby causing a 'disruption.'  As we know very well today; the only thing that is constant in this world is change.  Technology has changed the way we watch movies, read books, tell stories, and create art. We now digitally do all these things. In Ms Meeker's 112 slide presentation she portrays how we have re-imagined the world digitally. Now let's just hope education, world-wide, takes a giant step in its' own digital re-imagination.

Take a glance at Ms Meeker's slide presentation about the State of the Web -it will give you ideas of how you can use technology to "re-imagine" your teaching and student learning . 

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