Thursday, January 21, 2010

Planning a New Semester

Back now from semester break and looking at all the new ideas to use with my students in the next semester. So many to choose from, I have decided to use 1 new tool a week with my freshman- just to expose them to what's out there.

Which ones will I use? Well recently I joined in an online course "Easy Web 2.0 tools that you can use in your classroom" offered by SEETA, South Eastern European Teachers Association and facilitated by Nik Peachey. Nik is incredible! with an abundance of tips and ideas for ESL/EFL teachers using technology in the classroom. I joined in for the camaraderie and ended up learning a lot more than I expected and inspired to try out some new technologies. These are just some of the new tools I learned about from Nik and the others participants that I plan to use this semester:

Back in the early years of BlendedEdu we set out to tell our readers about all of the new web 2.0 tools until the number of these tools massively exploded and with so many bloggers taking on that role that now we let the others tell you about the great new tools and we focus more on "how-to" use these new tools in some of our posts.

Try one of these tools with your students and let me know how you have used them.

Have a great second semester.....and try to enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

Jacqui Cyrus said...

I have used Tokbox this semester for two reasons: (1) I require students to leave a 20-second introduction for me. This assignment introduces them to a new tool that they can use with their students. (2) I use the tool as as a mnemonic, of sorts, as a way to remember faces with names.